Bespoke, Home Memorial
Remembrance Headstone Crystals.
For Burial, Cremation and Funeral Planning.

Shrine Crystals provides large, bespoke, beautiful, custom designed, memorial headstone crystals sub laser engraved. Portraits specifically for home remembrance of loved ones or pets to keep their memory alive.

Complimenting existing funeral planning, the headstone, tombstone, gravestone can be elegantly displayed jointly alongside the coffin, and later on at the funeral, and wake ceremony.

They come in a range of sizes,
get in touch below for more information:

Quality Assurance

On the Mohs scale, minerals are measured in a scale of 1-10.

1 (soft) and 10 (hard).

Marble: 5
Quartz: 8
Granite: 7
Shrine Crystals: 6.5

All our portraits are graphically enhanced,
high definition, bespoke artwork.